Friday, March 23, 2012

Mighty Tiny Whinny

Mighty Tiny Whinny
I know this is a beer blog but it is also MY blog so I can post anything I want and tonight I want to show you my little friend Tiny. Tiny sits inside my arms every night and purrs as I write my blog; she usually smells every beer but hasn't develped a liking to anything yet. She came to me from a neighbor who found her on the side of the road along with her 11 brothers and sisters and a momma who had been shot. Unfortunately, Tiny has Feline Leukemia so she could die tomorrow; doctors say 1-3 years at best. So... she reminds me everyday to slow down, pick her up, play, hold her and listen to her purr........ because tomorrow may not come. Hug your kids, hug your neighbor, hug yourself, heck hug your Mother in Law, kiss your significant other....
now go drink yer'beer
tonight's beer blog is posted after this... and a fine beer it tis..........

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